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January 19, 2018 2 min read

New Year, New YOU!

Well, Ponytail Posse, another year has passed what will 2018 bring you? Fame? Fortune? Or maybe just good ol' fun and frolicking? A new year gives us the chance to reflect on our lives and see how far we have come, where we have been, and decide where we want to go. For many people, including our Lace Brick Design team, 2017 was a time of growth, learning and creativity. We can't WAIT to show you what we've got in store for 2018's Spring Collection! In the meantime, you'll want to scroll down and take our Ponytail Posse quiz!
Some of you babes are OG and have been following Lace Brick Design since the beginning. For others, you may have just joined the Posse, and we couldn't be more pleased to have all of you! By joining our crew, you are surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who are genuine, mindful and completely supportive of your hopes, dreams and desires. We create an atmosphere of love, acceptance and fearlessness as we take on the world together even if we may be miles apart. Together, we can encourage one another to be confident in our actions and daring in our dreams.
The new year brings with it hope, motivation and expectations. We all wonder: What will the new year bring? How can I better myself and the people around me? Who will I be in order to meet my goals? The biggest questions after all goal setting is: How will I achieve it?? It is so easy to push things aside or focus on instant gratification when one doesn't have a goal in mind. BUT, when there is something you really want and you know the steps to achieve your dream, well that is where the magic happens. We encourage YOU, Ponytail Posse, to set your 2018 goals to help you decide: Who are you going to become? What direction are you heading? What do you want to accomplish in the next 12 months?
All of these questions will be answered by who you are and what you value. And that?s the person we want to get to know! Take our Ponytail Posse quiz to help you better understand who you are! We love and appreciate you beautiful babes. We wouldn't be here without you and we are SO excited to see what the new year will bring for us, a Posse of Ponytails, waiting to take on the world!   
